>I’m Drake Owen, 21 years old and from the small town of Pickens, South Carolina.
>Oh, you want to know more?
>I guess since you’re on this page you can handle a little bit more reading then. I studied Computer Science at Clemson University for a year until I realized that Clemson was not for me. I have decided to transfer to NCSU where I will be studying software development as an online student.
>In the meantime, I am an intern at Automated Results Computer Consulting where I do everything from server maintenance, writing automation scripts, database scripting and documentation, to helping with international long term industrial projects. I have been working at Automated Results since 2017 (yes, I started when I was 16 years old), and have gained a ton of knowledge and experience with them. I also have had the opportunity to take multiple Microsoft certifications while I have worked there so I am certified as a Windows desktop and server administrator.
>After finishing NCSU's software dev program, I plan to work with Automated Results as a software developer.
>Now that all the professional stuff is out of the way, more about who I am.
>First thing you need to know about me is that I love technology. If I could live for a thousand years just to see how technology evolves, I would do it in a heartbeat. I have started to put my foot in the door of artificial intelligence. This interest stems from my fascination of self-driving cars that Tesla has developed and the rockets that SpaceX is developing to send humans to Mars. Another technology that has captured my interest is blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Since I’ve started earning my own money, I’ve been somewhat of a personal finance nerd and cryptocurrency was able to combine two of my interests into one!
>It may seem like I am a total tech nerd glued to a screen 24/7 but that’s not entirely true. I also love to be active. I have recently, at the age of 21, picked up the hobby of skateboarding. I also love doing cardio such as going for a run around the block, participating in a 5k, or hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Since 2020 I haven’t been in the gym that much, but I plan to start back up with strength training soon and want to get into rock climbing.
>I have a lot of goals that I want to achieve, and I am working towards clearing up my schedule and making the money to allow those things happen. If you’ve read this far into my about me, welcome to my site and be sure to follow one of my socials on the home page to stay along for the ride!